Monday, September 3, 2007

weekend recap

"i could have had six! i only have one!"
-lauren's reaction to her $7 beer


-we skipped ryan's b.y.o.bling birthday party in favor of martinis and beer in uptown.
-it turns out martinis are delicious.
-far too many dudes approached us, so annoying. they all liked my cardigan.....i dunno.
-it's a pretty nice cardigan. sarah gave it to me.
-lauren got drunk and told everyone her name was "buddy"


-central market! amazing sandwich, real sugar dr. pepper, and creme brulee. ah yes.
-jon jon was on tv at the UT game, which led to a lot of texting.
-worked on some art projects that had long been abandoned. (pics soon)
-fallout again. kinda busy but not friday busy. no dancing because lauren hates hip hop.


-did you know that liquor stores are closed on sunday? me either.
-people came over. the most random group of all time. friends of mine that span decades.
-i think the star of the day was chris berry. hadn't seen him since vail.
-jonesy could not have been wearing more green. no way.
-i made snake bites! you know, cause its sunday.
-i did NOT make a cake. there can't be cake every weekend, dudes.

now i have some bad news. i'm grounding myself. i'm not going out anymore for awhile. just meridian wednesdays cause those are too hard to give up. please don't give me shit about it. i'll be back.


Kiddrae254 said...

Who's Lauren and why doesn't she like hip-hop?!?!?!

Kiddrae254 said...

Oh I think I know now.. Well let's make sure she listen's to the right kinda hip hop, Julian is the perfect man for the job.

I would like a black one or a light brown one please!

Milad H. said...

i am crushed upon reading the bad news. softball will be lame this week and i am looking forward to the next pub quiz. call me when you're back in action!