because you will think i'm crazy.
so a lot of strange, coincidental things happen to me. and it freaks me out. you see, i have an insanely active imagination. i get carried away. i'm (big time) afraid of the dark, and lots of things that aren't real. here are the things that currently have me freaked out:
(in reverse chronological order)
scenario 1: today i went to buy cigarettes to mail to england (along with kaitlyn's bday present) for jackie's bf, hass. i've been trying to get someone else to buy them for a week now, but it just couldn't wait. i have never bought cigarettes in my life because it was ingrained in me at a very young age that smoking is bad. if you smoke, you are bad. (maybe we had a really intense d.a.r.e. program at our school?) i can't handle someone, even a gas station clerk, thinking i'm bad. anyway, i'm totally anxious about the situation, but i buy the cigarettes and now i'm ready to mail my package. i run a few more errands and end up at a post office on the other side of town hours later. guess who's there? dude that sold me cigarettes. he jokes (loudly) about whether i'm mailing cigarettes. a) that's pretty random running into him, b) i was mailing cigarettes, c) why is it that the one time that i buy cigarettes (which i'm anxious and embarrassed about) it gets announced to a room full of people? wtf?
scenario 2: so a few weeks ago i worked on a habitat for humanity house in wylie. everyone there was from my dad's company except for one lady. she didn't know anyone so i ended up talking to her quite a bit. last week i'm in a hobby lobby in dallas and who do i see? habitat lady. she's checking out as i'm walking in and she flags me down. she's buying cake pans and a decorating book because i inspired her to bake cakes. and i show up at this exact moment! i don't know her. this is not my regular hobby lobby. what are the freaking chances of that?
scenario 3: in july i went to this play with my parents and sister. it's interactive theatre where you can talk to the actors and you throw popcorn at them as well as other audience members. usually feuds develop between tables. this one guy was picking on my mom all night. the next night i went to plano super bowl for alex's bday party. and who's there? popcorn guy. these are two very random, very different places in different cities. it's weird that i went to either of them in the first place, but to run into the same dude at both? creepy! (fyi, we are myspace friends now)
anyway, it's like my life is a movie and they couldn't afford enough extras or something. it freaks me out.
also, why do strangers talk to me everywhere i go? and why do so many people tell me that i'm "glowing"? that is a weird observation to be made repeatedly...
if there is a truman show-like thing going on, i'm gonna be totally pissed.
you guys would tell me, right? eh?
Tuesday, September 11, 2007
don't read this if you don't know me
Posted by
7:51 PM
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these events do sound strange, but i think this kinda of stuff happens to everyone. i always meet people that know someone else I know, and it's always crazy. Oh and you should be glad about the glowing thing, maybe it has something to do with your make up plus your always smiling...
I think it's because you are one of those people that people like to be around, therefor strangers talk to you.
In Vegas I ran into a girl that I always wanted to talk to at the gym here! In fact, the day before I left I was telling Amanda about a girl that was staring at me at the gym. It was really really weird.
Anyway, this was very well written!
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