Friday, February 6, 2009

guess what i found?

my old video camera from back in the day. now if i can just find the power cord, i will soon be able to show you footage of berry's 21st birthday, new year's eve 2002, and the beer-lympics (also 2002, i believe). get ready to be embarrassed of your younger self. especially you, bogan. haaaaa.

other happenings, i quit smoking. it's pretty much all i'm thinking about, but i know it will get better. and i can't bear the thought of NEVER again enjoying coffee and cigarettes, so i think i'll still allow myself to have one when the mood strikes. yeah....that always works...

i'm producing a ton of work this year. get excited. cakes, crafts, photo projects, styling, etc. they will be documented thoroughly here. but some of them are secret so you'll have to wait.

my health is better than its been in awhile. i feel GOOD. turns out that vitamins and excercise are freakin magic. who knew? oh, right. everyone.